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Two Dalmatians in need of a new home separately or together – Deadline: 15th May 2016
Folti and Pötyi (mediated) are two 9-year-old Dalmatians whose owners are moving into an apartment in middle May (2016) and won’t take the dogs with themselves.
The owner asked the Dog Shelter in Debrecen (Debreceni Állatvédők) for help with whom we work together to find a new home for the dogs and not let them end up in a dog pound or worse…
The dogs are vaccinated, microchipped, 9-year-olds, kept in a kennel in the garden, they have a doghouse, they should be on a diet, especially the female.
Our volunteers in Debrecen visited the dogs. Folti, the male was very protective of the kennel and because he’s a Houdini our volunteers couldn’t get closer to him. Pötyi, the female is quite shy, but she let the volunteers pet her and showed them her typical Dalmatian smile. Thank you for the quick update, Szandra and we thank Falat Fotó for the photos.
Hungarian Dalmatian Rescue offers its help in transportation, veterinary fees, etc.
Please contact: (Potyi,Folti), +36303457051
Hungarian Dalmatian Rescue