Dalmata Mentés

Köszönjük a nagylelkű támogatást! | Thank you for your help

The donations needed for Folti’s veterinary costs have arrived. She received the Rabies and combination vaccines plus a microchip. Her sterilization is set mid-May. We have received a couple of more thousand Forints, which we used to get Daisy vaccinated and microchipped. However, we still lack the proper financial resources for her sterilization (20.000.-Ft ~ € 70 ~ 92 USD)!!

We made an appointment for Daisy’s surgery for next Friday, the 11th of May. We rely on the help of supporters in order to get her through the procedure! Each and every small amount counts.

Dalmata Fajtamentő Közhasznú Egyesület
IBAN: HU57 1040 3923 5052 6590 8890 1008