Dalmata Mentés

Fighting for Szende

Our Christmas holiday went by in a minute, when Friday morning the foster family of Szejke (Szende) called us in an excited tone to tell that she needed vet care S.O.S.
This poor Dalmatian lady is only 2 years old but she was forced to give birth to puppies every time she was in heat. Her latest pregnancy took all the energies out of her worn-out body causing serious complications after the emergency surgery. She had to go through two surgeries during the last 3 weeks, each time her life was at risk!

Szende spent the weekend under supervision at the vet clinic. Her present condition was sufficient enough to avoid another surgical intervention and we really hope that we can bring her home tomorrow.
She took wonderful care of her puppies for three weeks, even though she was the one who longed for regeneration the most. This time we could do nothing else but separate the family in order to give time for Szende’s body to gain a little strength. Their foster family took her role over and they feed the puppies with milk replacement as long as required.

A huge thank you goes to Szende’s foster family who took her to the vet immediately. We hurried as we could to take her over and manage the transport and vet care.
We are also thankful to our veterinarians who didn’t regret the time they spent with us at the clinics during their holiday.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for Szende to get better soon!
Thank you!