Dalmata Mentés

Segíts, hogy segíthessünk! | Help us to save dals

The Hungarian Dalmatian Rescue is a young association. In the past two months we have taken over 7 Dalmatians!

The medical treatments and secure fostering of the previous 6 dogs (Monty, Lisa, Lilly (Heidi), Perdita_cs, Pongo_cs and Polly) have consumed our scarce financial reserves.
We do not have the sources to care of Tenor and Paca (both need vaccinations, microchip, health check and more for Paca: dog pension, castration)!
If you have the possibility to support our association, even with a few Euros, please be so kind to donate us.
Many a little makes a mickle.

Dalmata Fajtamentő Közhasznú Egyesület
IBAN: HU57 1040 3923 5052 6590 8890 1008

Or click on the Donate button on our website, where you can support us through Paypal, as well: http://www.dalmatamentes.hu
More information under: http://dalmatamentes.hu/lang/hu/tamogat%20…%20erstutzen/
Thank you for your help!