We have 4 Dalmatians to be spayed this month.Our goal is to protect the breed by avoiding the unnecessary birth of unwanted litters.
The cost of Daisy’s, Folti’s, Berry’s and Winnie’s surgery is nearly 100.000 HUF (336 EUR, 425 USD) We don’t have this amount of money!
Nevertheless, these dogs can’t be adopted without being spayed.
Dalmata Fajtamentő Közjhasznú Egyesület
IBAN: HU57 1040 3923 5052 6590 8890 1008
subject: Winnie
We need your support in order to finance Winnie’s surgery:
20.000 HUF
85 USD/ 67 EUR
Even a single Euro/Dollar can take us closer to our goal.
Hungarian Dalmatian Rescue
You can follow the actual stand of donations on our website: www.dalmatamentes.hu
You cal also help us through PayPal by clicking on the Donate button.
Thank you!
More information: http://dalmatamentes.hu/lang/en/fontos-tudnivalok/tamogatas-support-unterstutzen/