Dalmata Mentés

We are supporting Foltoska, a mediated dog for adoption

We have recently sent a pack of donation (food, flea and tick drops, dental sticks) to Foltoska’s foster family.

Foltoska has a long story. He often ran away from home, until a family decided to foster him and they asked our help to find him a nice home. Just as we began to advertise the dog, we realized that he had been in our database earlier as a mediated dog for adoption. Foltoska doesn’t get on well with the fosterhome’s dog, so he can stay there until he finds a forever home, where he will be the apple of the eye of a loving family.
Foltoska is friendly with people and children. He’s a naturally smart and playful Dalmatian boy.

For more information and photos, please go to http://gallery.site.hu/u/dalmatamentes/gazditkeres/kanok/Foltoska/
Contact: info@dalmatamentes.hu (FOLTOSKA) or +36303457051

The fosterhome has limited financial resources to care for Foltoska. We try to relieve them of this burden, the food we sent them is enough for about 4 months and Foltoska received drops for flea and tick protection, too.

We would like to contribute to the costs of his vaccinations, microchipping and neutering even though Foltoska is a mediated dog. He is not in our care but his life is important to us. In case you’d also like to help this cute Dalmatian guy, please send your donations here:

Dalmata Fajtamentő Közhasznú Egyesület
K&H Bank Zrt.
IBAN: HU57 10403923-50526590-88901008
Note: Foltoska

Or via Paypal by clicking on the Donate button on our website: http://www.dalmatamentes.hu/

Every donation is used to cover the costs of the Dalmatians and mixes we support, dogs in our care and mediated, too. This is our contribution to the protection of the breed.
We are thankful for all the donations, because it is what makes us continue our work to help dogs in trouble.

Thank you!
Hungarian Dalmatian Rescue