Dalmata Mentés

Kendi és Kapitány (Perdita_cs és Pongo_cs) gazdisok! 2.rész | Candy and Captain's new home (part 2)

Part II.
Perdita_cs was sterilized a few days after the first meeting. She couldn’t spend her recovery in the … hutch in the freezing cold so our organization took her over from the veterinarian. Her new family travelled to Budapest the second time. Braving the elements of the hard winter, they drived 120 km to bring Perdita home.

Here’s their letter describing the first days’ experiences.
’Perdita was named Kendi after the English word for candy. Luckily, the surgery didn’t worn her out physically, the cone collar doesn’t bother her at all. I took it off from her neck once and I followed her with attention while she sniffed each and every corner she wasn’t able to reach wearing the cone collar. She wasn’t interested in her wound and surprisingly she didn’t care for it at all. She let us put the collar on her without any force.
She didn’t get on well with our dogs so far. They rarely meet but when they do Kendi acts agressively but we are sure that time and attitude will solve this. I do hope because as soon as she is over the recovery she will spend most of her time in the garden, not in the house… and not in the bed, as she does now.
Currently we sleep in the children’s room, she sleeps by my side on the bed. Otherwise she won’t let our family sleep. She clungs to us all the time and if she has to leave us for a moment, she whistles unwaveringly.
Kapitány (aka Pongo) is a very grateful dog, he’s no trouble. He already guards the house and his relationship with our smaller dogs is getting better. They run about the garden together and they bark at the same time. I even saw them sleeping side-by-side once.
Kendi and Kapitány didn’t act so happy when they met each other, they simply took notice of the other’s presence. We found this a little bit strange but it made us sure that they wouldn’t harm each other.
It is obvious that these dogs crave for love more than anything else. Kapitány asks for being stroked in his humble way, while Kendi demands it a bit pushily. It’s impossible not to share our love with them though it would be nice if we could switch Kendi off sometimes. But we all know that the worst dog is the loveliest of them all.

Kendi’s photos: http://gallery.site.hu/u/dalmatamentes/ … erdita_cs/
To be continued…