Dalmata Mentés

Még mindig keressük Mikeyt! | Mikey: still lost

Mikey, a Dalmatian boy was lost in the dawn of 02 July 2011. He was probably taken to Budapest. If you have any information about Mikey, please write to dalmatamentes@gmail.com.

‘I’m looking for Mikey, my 2,5 year-old neutered Dalmatian. His right ear is completely black. A boy in our neighbourhood told me that he had helped a gentleman put him in his car on road 85 next to the exit lane towards Kóny. According to him, the man was travelling to Budapest and he offered to help Mikye but I have no idea where he took him exactly.
Please let me know if you have any information about my beloved dog.

Thank you,
Daniella Burján’