Dalmata Mentés

Daisy found a home

Daisy, the Dalmatian lady rescued from the dogpound of Eger came into our care in April 2012. We managed to place her in a fosterhome, so her rehabilitation began. She was spayed in May and recovered from the surgery very well.
September brought her a new family and during the 1,5 months of her probation it turned out that we have made a good decision. Daisy is very happy in her home, thanks to her mum’s patience and persistence, the beautiful spotted girl has already developed a lot and they continue the work enthusiastically.  This week we signed the contract, so Daisy is now officially adopted.
We wish Daisy and her family a long happy life together filled with lots of love!

Photos of Daisy: http://gallery.site.hu/u/dalmatamentes/gazdiratalalt/2012/Daisy/