Dalmata Mentés

05.10.2014. – Black&White Dog Party

We were invited to the annual Black&White Dog Party. Our Dalmatians fitted perfectly in the colorful cavalcade and it was great to see some of our previously adopted dogs again. 

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Szonja greeted happily her long-time friend Samy. He found a forever home this spring and has changed a lot in his family. He was kept in a cold pigpen since puppyhood and the lack of outer stimuli caused some difficulties in the beginning when he moved to his new home. He had problems meeting other dogs but all this is gone now and he behaves friendly with everyone around. He’s quite curious and he plays happily with four-legged pals. One of our previously adopted Dallies, Star and our adoptable Zazi had great fun with Samy.  


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Samy is a smart and obedient dog and he participated in the recall game with great enthusiasm. His family takes care of him perfectly, they teach him tricks, take him for long walks and he’s happy to accompany them to the weekend trips to relatives living in the countryside. Meeting them was really great and their son even helped us hand out our flyers (see the photo: camera with our flag on it).  

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Although Szonja caught the eye of some visitors, she is still looking for her ideal family. We truly hope that she won’t have to wear the nice yellow bandana (adoptable) for long.  

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Our spotted ladies and gentlemen were posing happily on the red carpet, set up especially for the photoshooting. 
We are thankful to the organizers for this great event. 🙂 

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